Improve Immune System of Your Kids — Dr Ajay Prakaash, Pediatrician
Your body is an intricate work of art, and it’s all thanks to your immune system. Your immune system protects your body from every germ, virus and bacteria that can harm you. Thinking about how great your body is is only normal when you understand the incredible job it does. Why? Because your immune system prevents things like cancer, heart disease and diabetes from taking over your body by fighting off these threats early on in their development. Tirunelveli Pediatrician Dr Ajay Prakaash Suggest some tips to Improve Immune System of Your Kids.
Reduce Stress
Children are naturally curious and want to learn. They may also be a bit loud or boisterous, but at heart, children are still very sensitive to the emotions of others. If your child is constantly stressed out, it can have a negative effect on their immune system.
When your child is stressed, the body releases cortisol — the stress hormone — which has been shown to have an effect on the immune system. The immune system is designed to protect us from germs and other harmful substances in our environment. If you keep your child’s emotions happy and positive, they’ll be less prone to getting sick and will have a stronger immune system.
Feed your child a nutrient-rich diet with foods from all food groups to Embrace Immune System
It’s important to feed your child a nutrient-rich diet with foods from all food groups to Embrace the Immune System.
Reduce exposure to allergens and irritants.
Allergies and hay fever are common in children, especially during the pollen season. If you have a family history of allergies or asthma, try to avoid exposing your child to allergens and irritants when possible.
Keep the home clean.
Keep surfaces clean by removing dust and pet hair, emptying trash regularly and washing dishes promptly after use. Avoid using harsh cleaners, perfumes or scented sprays in the home.
Make sure that skin contact with pets is kept to a minimum. Pets can carry germs that can cause allergy symptoms in children and adults.
Get kids vaccinated
Embrace Immunity is a series of events and programs that gives you the tools and knowledge you need to protect your family from the perils of an immune-suppressed world.
The Embrace Immunity series includes:
Embrace Immunity: A Parent’s Guide to Protecting Your Child from Infectious Diseases (Book)
Embrace Immunity: Influenza Screening for Your Family (Book)
Embrace Immunity: Childhood Vaccine Schedules for Your Family (Book)
Embrace Immunity: Getting the Flu Shot for Your Family (Book)
Avoid smoking around your child
Smoking can be a habit that is hard to avoid. This is especially true for new parents who may find themselves smoking after having a child.
While it might be tempting to smoke around your child, this can cause harm to your child’s health. Smoking can lead to serious health problems, including birth defects and asthma.
If you’re trying to quit smoking, avoid doing so around your child at all costs. If you are thinking about quitting now, here are some ways that you can help yourself:
Sleep is important for the immune system so make sure your child gets enough rest.
Sleep is important for the immune system so make sure your child gets enough rest.
Sleep is a complex process that involves many different parts of the brain, body and mind. When you’re tired, it can be hard to remember things or even think clearly. That’s why it’s important for children to get enough sleep.
Sleep helps your child learn new skills, grow physically and mentally, and play more effectively. It also helps them make friends with other children their age.
It’s important for parents to try to get their child into bed at the same time every night so they know when their child is going to sleep and when they should wake up in the morning (even if they’re still asleep). This will help ensure that your child gets enough sleep every night so he or she can stay healthy.